For so long I struggled with the idea of giving myself time off to just rest. I worked my mind and my body to the extreme day after day, week after week, and even year after year. I felt like if I wasn't constantly doing something than I was wasting time and being unproductive with my life. I'd eat meals in front of my computer, I'd study/work from 8am - 3am, only leaving my desk/bed to go to the bathroom or get another cup of tea, I'd live off 5 hours of sleep a night, and I'd never take time to see my friends or engage in any of my hobbies. Finally it came to the point where my body just shut down. It told me enough was enough and I was forced into taking time off to just relax.
However that experience made me realize the true value of allowing yourself to take a break. Now I live a much slower lifestyle, taking the time to care for myself and my relationships and giving my mind and body enough time to recharge.
Today I'm going to share with you 4 reasons why taking a break is essential for a healthy and productive life. I'll also give you some suggestions of things you may wish to try during your next break.
4 Reasons Why Taking A Break Is Essential For A Healthy And Productive Life
1. Taking a break allows you to stay focused and be more productive. We ask a lot of ourselves these days and so we often stretch our brain past its normal productivity zone. We think that by doing this we will end up accomplishing more things, but in reality we become fatigued and it causes us to become unfocused, distracted and zone out. Instead of spending that time staring blankly at your computer screen, stand up, walk away, and allow your brain time to refocus so you can start fresh and perform at a more optimum level when you return.
2. By taking a step away from your work every day and just escaping for a bit it allows time for you to become more inspired and ignites your creativity. Without that time to regroup and become inspired by your surroundings your creativity will not have time to grow. Creativity strikes at unpredictable moments, so it's important to keep your mind open for that possibility. Also, we always seem to solve problems or remember important things when we stop thinking about it (yes I'm talking about that eureka moment you have when you're showering or daydreaming). So stepping away from your work for a few moments will allow you to return with a fresh set of eyes.
3. Not giving yourself time to relax and enjoy other hobbies and passions in your life is a recipe for stress. By taking a break from your work you'll feel more balanced in your life and it'll help increase your motivation for when you do go back to your work.
3. Not giving yourself time to relax and enjoy other hobbies and passions in your life is a recipe for stress. By taking a break from your work you'll feel more balanced in your life and it'll help increase your motivation for when you do go back to your work.
4. Allowing yourself time to relax both physically and mentally will help to ensure that you don't experience burnout and lose interest in something you're very passionate about. If you become too demanding with your time and being focused on only one thing you will eventually start to feel drained as you'll be using up all your energy without giving yourself a chance to replenish. You'll become less engaged with the work you're doing and you'll no longer find a sense of joy in it.
Suggestions For Taking A Break
When you take a break it is important that you truly allow your mind to unwind. Browsing your Facebook or watching TV may seem restful to you, but the truth is your brain is still working hard to process all the information being thrown at it from these tasks. Instead of overwhelming yourself with useless data, allow yourself to rest both physically and mentally. Below are a few tips to hep you really unplug and recharge.
- do some yoga
- take a nap
- practice meditation or do some deep breathing exercises
- engage in some light reading
- listen to calm music
- go for a walk and get some fresh air
- daydream
- disconnect from all outside influences
- get outside
- watch the sunset/sunrise
- have a cup of tea
- go on vacation
- hang out with friends
- try Zentangle
- do some yoga
- take a nap
- practice meditation or do some deep breathing exercises
- engage in some light reading
- listen to calm music
- go for a walk and get some fresh air
- daydream
- disconnect from all outside influences
- get outside
- watch the sunset/sunrise
- have a cup of tea
- go on vacation
- hang out with friends
- try Zentangle
Socks - gift // Jeans - Target // Sweater - Garage // Necklace - gift // Wooden Ring - Kensington Market
Do you allow yourself the time to recharge throughout each day? What suggestions do you have for people to help them get the most out of their breaks? Share in the comments.
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